How to use Twitter for Marketing Purposes in Your Business.

A lot of companies of all types use Twitter to market. How do they increase business when they Tweet? Is there a formula for success? Here are some tactics and advice for using this social media platform for marketing and outreach so that you can become a force to be reckoned with.

#1 Twitter Marketing Strategy – Be Funny and Entertaining

Who doesn’t like to share something they find to be fun or funny with their friends? You don’t have to be offensive but you can share jokes or facts that are interesting. If you can find what works with your audience and gets shared often, you can use that to spread your marketing messages further.

#2 Twitter Marketing Strategy – Reply to Comments

Marketing works a lot better if people know that you care about them as customers. Does someone have a complaint? Then make the situation right. Did someone say a post was awesome? Thank them for the comment. When people see that you are active they are more likely to say something and give you valuable insight about what they think of your campaign.

#3 Twitter Marketing Tips for Twitter Success

* Don’t share your personal beliefs if they have nothing to do with your company. Telling people you don’t agree with a politician, for instance, will make those who do agree not want to follow you.
* Stay on top of trends and use hashtags. When you click on a trending hashtag on Twitter, it brings up all comments that have to do with it, which can be sorted in many ways. This is how a lot of people find information on Twitter, so the more you can use relevant hashtags the more likely people are to interact with your posts.
* Don’t let people who post negative comments get under your skin. People feel anonymous on Twitter and so they tend to be a lot more cynical than they would be in real life. If you show your irritation in the online world, you will attract attention from people who think that is funny so they will try to bother you on purpose, and that can be bad for a marketing campaign.
Twitter is not difficult to use. It’s more or less about sharing something that is effective in 140 or fewer characters. Images, videos, and links are also shareable, so use them to your advantage as well. If you want to stay at the top of your game, we can help you create a Twitter strategy for your business.
Click here if you’re interested to know more about social business to business marketing techniques.