Why Do You Need Accelerated Mobile Pages?

With the amount of time people spend surfing the web from mobile devices increasing rapidly, it has become necessary to look at user experience and general usability.
You may well have already heard of Facebook Instant Articles, which allows publishers to host content within Facebook’s infrastructure in such a way that it will load much quicker than an equivalent web page in a standard mobile browser. Facebook’s technology is closed, but Google (and others) have created a more open framework with similar goals called the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project.
The Google AMP project has been working on creating faster-loading pages to ensure future mobile content is not only usable but quick as well. Let’s take a glance at what “accelerated mobile pages” are and why they are helpful for users who are hopping online with their mobile devices on a daily basis.
What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages?
Mobile pages are any pages you find online when using a mobile device. The idea behind “accelerated mobile pages” is to make pages run faster and smoother by using specific coding to reduce sluggishness when you surf the web from a mobile device.

What Are the Benefits Of AMP?

We are all familiar with the experience of a page that won’t load properly on our mobile device, with missing pictures, tiny fonts, and a slow loading time. People don’t want to deal with clunky, unresponsive pages where they struggle to swipe or tap.
The AMP project helps create user-friendly pages that are well-coded and run as required. This is why accelerated mobile pages are vital, and many websites are hopping aboard. The coding is intricate and provides incredible power to those using it.
Currently, AMP is used to load news and articles quickly. However in no time, sites will be looking to implement AMP pages to have fast loading, better customer engagement, and to outrank competitors. For example if you search for “recipes” in Google on your mobile device, you’ll see a lot of AMP pages in a carousel.
According to the website Search Engine Land, AMP supports things such as slideshows, videos and social media embeds.
AMP is the future of instant loading for mobile pages. Check out http://www.ampproject.org for technical introduction, tutorial and to view codes.

Accelerated Mobile Pages Project

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